The Hawley Almshouse and Relief in Need Charity
An inclosure award dated 20th August 1817, made in pursuance of an Act of Parliament passed two years earlier, created the Hawley Fuel Allotment (donated by the owner of the Minley Estate).
In 1969 this land was sold for a quarter of a million pounds to the developers of Pinewood Park. Part of the money was invested and from its income the Hawley Trust helps parishioners who are in need.
The remaining money was used to purchase the land at the junction of the A30 London Road and B3272 Hawley Road, where ten bungalows called Hawley Garden Cottages were built and are maintained. A communal room and a flat for the resident warden were provided on the site of the original ‘Milestone House’ and this building is called Ratcliffe House.
In 1981 on the West side of Hawley Green three more bungalows called Garth Cottages and warden’s accommodation were erected on either side of the six older Almshouses which had been built and endowed in 1857 by Henry Randell J.P.
The Yateley and Hawley Welfare Trust
This Trust consists of the Vicars from each Parish, two nominated representatives from Blackwater and Hawley Town Council and two from Yateley Town Council plus one Co-operative Member.
Each year the small amount of money available is shared equally within each Parish to help those in need.
For further details about either charity please contact Fr. Martyn on 01276 35287 Email